Plenary Sessions

  • Plenary 1:Making the Case for Economic Justice

    Speaker: Kim Pentico, Economic Justice Senior Director, National Network to End Domestic Violence

    Plenary Description: 99% of all survivors report experiencing some form of financial abuse; yet, that reality is not always reflected in the services and resources offered. A better understanding of the complex relationship between safety and finances will be explored, as well as a historical connection to generational poverty and access.

  • Plenary 2: Advocate Panel- A Dialogue on Economic Justice: Empowering Communities, Building resilience and unlocking opportunities

    Moderated by Abigail Murat, Sr. Training & Capacity Building Coordinator, NYSCADV

    - Sarah E. Hayes, LMSW, Sr. Director, Economic Empowerment Programs, Sanctuary for Families
    - Dolores Kordon, Executive Director, Brighter Tomorrows
    - Namrata Sharma, Economic Empowerment Program Manager, Sakhi for South Asian Women

  • Plenary 3: Housing

    Speaker: Kris Billhardt, M.ED., ED.S

    Economic abuse and its aftermath have huge impacts on survivors’ housing stability. Advocates can play an important role as survivors face obstacles in their efforts to get and stay safely and stably housed. This session will explore a range of strategies that DV programs can use to support survivors in their quest for safe housing, including Domestic Violence Housing First, with an emphasis on adaptation to your community and agency capacity. A Fall webinar series will further support agencies in identifying and taking their next steps in building housing advocacy services.


  • Workshop 1: Empowerment Exchange: Best Practices Workshop for Survivor Economic Empowerment Programming

    Speaker: Sarah E. Hayes, Senior Director, Economic Empowerment Programs, Sanctuary for Families

    Description: Come together and share insights, strategies, and solutions for creating effective economic empowerment programs for survivors. Participants will engage in interactive discussions, case studies, and collaborative activities aimed at identifying best practices, troubleshooting common challenges, and developing innovative approaches to support survivors on their path to economic independence.

    Topics covered will include:
    - Implementing trauma-informed approaches in economic empowerment programming
    - Utilizing technology and digital platforms to enhance access to resources and support services
    - Strategies for financial literacy and education tailored to survivors' needs
    - Building partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and government agencies to create economic opportunities
    - Addressing barriers to employment and entrepreneurship faced by survivors

    Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the field, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to learn from peers, exchange ideas, and gain practical tools and techniques to enhance your survivor economic empowerment initiatives.

  • Workshop 2: Economic Justice: Maximizing the Allstate Curriculum for Staff Training and Client Engagement

    Speaker: Kim Pentico, Economic Justice Senior Director, National Network to End Domestic Violence & Esmeralda Pena, Economic Justice Project Manager, NYSCADV

    Description: A Deep Dive to Economic Justice with the Allstate Curriculum' workshop. Explore innovative strategies and best practices for utilizing the Allstate Curriculum to enhance staff training, cultivate survivor relationships, and foster economic empowerment programs. Gain invaluable insights and actionable steps to promote economic justice and create a positive impact within communities.