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New York State Domestic Violence Prevention Summit 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018
9:00 am5:00 pm
Red Lion Inn 205 Wold Road Albany, NY 12205

Please join the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence on Thursday, October 25th for the 4th Annual New York State Domestic Violence Prevention Summit as we explore effective approaches to preventing intimate partner violence before it begins.


Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Prevention Educators & Advocates
Athletic Directors
School Administrators
School counselors

9:00 AM- 9:30 AM Registration and Networking

9:30 AM – 10:00 AM Welcome

10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Morning Programing

12:30 PM – 1:45 PM Lunch

1:45 – 3:00 PM Afternoon Programing

3:00 PM Summit Wrap Up

3:15 – 4:15PM NYSCADV/NYSCASA Listening Session
(Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Advocates Only)


Vicarious Traumatization has been defined as “the natural, consequent behaviors and emotions resulting from knowledge about a traumatizing event experienced by a significant other” (Figley, 1995). In other words, it is the stress resulting from helping or wanting to help a traumatized or suffering person and the change and/or distortion of an advocate’s perception of the world as a result of hearing others’ stories of trauma.

Those of us working in social justice, sexual assault, domestic violence, and other movements are well aware of the toll it takes on the body, mind and spirit. Additionally, navigating the courts, criminal justice system and even the medical profession can leave survivors, advocates and other healing professionals feeling stressed out and revictimized. According to, Secondary Traumatic Stress Among Domestic Violence Advocates: Workplace Risk and Protective Factors, 70 percent of domestic violence advocates met criteria for clinical levels of post-traumatic stress disorder. Survivors and advocates alike need safe spaces to breathe, de-stress and re-orient themselves with their authentic selves.

Zoë Renae Flowers
Zoë Flowers is a filmmaker, author, poet, actress, Reiki Master, seasoned domestic violence advocate and writer with the Huffington Post. Her poetry and essays can be found in Stand Our Ground; Poems for Trayvon Martin and Marissa Alexander, Dear Sister: Letters From Survivors of Sexual Assault and several online journals.

Like many young women, Zoë found herself in a dangerous relationship in her early twenties. She ended the relationship but the experience motivated her to be a catalyst for change. She worked at several state domestic violence coalitions where she provided training, technical assistance and domestic violence expertise to local and state domestic violence programs and community partners across the country before dedicating her talents to women of color advocates, survivors and their families as the Director of Survivor Programs for the Women of Color Network Inc.

In 2012, Zoë launched Soul Requirements to combine her artistic projects, domestic violence expertise and holistic healing practice. Since then, she has facilitated individual and group healing sessions to clients across the country and oversees in addition to being a holistic healing consultant for the Joyful Heart Foundation. She has worked with the organization since 2012 on a number of projects and was the lead healer at the trauma center the organization ran after the Newtown tragedy. She is also a member of the foundation’s retreat team where she provides Reiki to survivors of domestic and sexual violence. As a co-creator of SoulShifting Retreats, Zoë and her Co-maestra Dr. G. Love facilitated life-changing retreats to over 30 participants during the 2016 summer and winter solstices in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador.

In 2004, Zoë Flowers conducted interviews with women of color about their experiences with domestic and sexual violence. From Ashes To Angel's Dust: A Journey Through Womanhood is the book that emerged from those interviews. ASHES - a ChoreoDrama that uses monologues, poems and vignettes to breathe life into the original stories chronicled in Zoë’s book and includes new stories about historical oppression, the media, campus sexual assault, body image, and the journey to self-love. ASHES has had many successful performances across the country including; Yale University’s Fearless Conference on April 9th 2016, The White House’s United State of Women Summit in Washington, DC on June 15, 2016, NCADV’s National Conference: Voices United on October 24, 2016 and Smith College on April 6, 2017.

Now, with more than sixteen years of experience, Zoë has worked nationally and internationally, has appeared on National Public Radio, spoken at Yale University, Springfield College and Smith College on the issues of domestic and sexual violence and has now added filmmaking, producing and directing to her resume. She wrote the screenplay and began filming her 1st movie Rode this summer. The film is already slated for screening at Smith College and the Newark Music Festival in 2018.


Healing from the Frontlines
Presented by Zoë Flowers

Healing From The Front Lines is designed to provide you with techniques to slow down and reconnect to the your strength, inner knowing, creativity and spirit.

Using "Sticks & Stones" as a Strategy to Build Prevention Projects
Presented by: Queery

The goal of this workshop is to use “Sticks and Stones” as a point of reference to learn, build, and/or enhance localized prevention programs that could be linked to national and global movements, making change possible with limited resources.

In this three-part workshop, participants will be introduced to a primary prevention art-based project created by the presenters called “Sticks and Stones: Reclaiming Names that Were Used to Hurt Us” a National Coming Out Day Project. Participants will learn how this project started, the various behind the scene strategies (i.e. technology, marketing, and connections) used to make this project possible, and the linkages used and created from it.

In the second part of the workshop, participants will experience the project itself, which is an interactive discursive art installation accompanied by opportunities to read and share various experiences.

In the third part of the workshop participants will be offered the chance to create their own primary prevention programs (or enhance ones that are already in place) by using some of the strategies discussed in the workshop. The three presenters will assist participants with brainstorming, connecting, and making the most of any single project to maximize the social impact, thus making change possible with limited resources.

Click here to learn more about Queery and "Sticks & Stones."

Presented By:

James Young
Starting Westchester County's First LGBTQ Youth Program in 1992, James has had a long commitment in exploring queer culture and its positive effects on the dominant heteronormative culture.

James is the recipient of the 2007 GLSEN Hudson Valley Leadership Award for his work with LGBTQ youth in both Rockland and Westchester Counties where he worked with numerous high schools and colleges on LGBTQ safety. He coordinated the Common Threads Youth Empowerment Retreat for several years in Rockland County where students and advisors as far as Rochester attended annually. He was on the planning committee at Pride Works, an annual conference held in Westchester County for high school students and their advisors.

Young has had the opportunity to co-design, facilitate and train with PeaceWorks in Reading, PA, working with youth on various isms (i.e., sexism, racism, etc.) and learning more about intersectionality, power and inclusion.

Young is excited to bring his talents and experience to Queery as he is eager to be part of the movement that brings about equality and celebration of diversity using critical thinking and questioning.

Accompanied by Jeff Gurkin-Young and Geoff Peckman
Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM)

Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) equips coaches to talk with their athletes about respect for women and girls and to promote the notion that violence doesn't equal strength. The CBIM card series instructs coaches on how to incorporate themes associated with teamwork, integrity, fair play, and respect into their daily practice and routine.

Through CBIM, Coaches are supported with the resources they need to promote respectful behavior among their players and help prevent relationship abuse, harassment, and sexual assault.

This workshop will explore strategies that:

Promote Healthy Relationships
Create school climates in which violence is unacceptable
Reduce known risk factors for violence perpetration
Promote protective factors that contribute to healthy behaviors, safety & well-being
Empower bystanders to take action
School Nurse Engagement

Prevention Educators with experience engaging students, coaches and school personnel in primary prevention will also be joining us to contribute to the dialogue.

And More!

Click here to learn more about "Telling Our Stories: From the Page to the Stage, an evening with Zoë Flowers."