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Making the Case: Engaging Men in GBV

Wednesday, December 18, 2019
10:00 am11:30 am

NYSCADV is pleased to present the webinar “Engaging Men as Allies: A Critical Strategy toward Preventing Gender Based Violence."

Strategically engaging men across the social ecology is critical to our efforts to address and to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV,) gender-based violence (GBV,) and to promote healthy relationships and gender equality. Using the Public Health Model, the Social Ecology and lessons learned from community based organizing around the globe, Rus will discuss the role of men/male-identified people in perpetrating gender-based violence (GBV) and how, as a group, men have historically supported the social norms and risk factors that maintain men’s perpetration of GBV. Male Peer Support theory (DeKeserdey and Schwartz) demonstrate the role of male peers in supporting the attitudes and beliefs that men who perpetrate violence against their partners and others use to justify their violence. Men play a significant role in supporting the organizational values and norms that allow men to sexually abuse, sexually harass, and control their partners through the various tactics and behaviors associated with intimate partner violence in the home and gender based violence in the community. Men’s positions as leaders in their communities can be a significant protective factor, preventing perpetration on an individual level but also contributing to how a community responds to IPV and GBV and may be able to prevent this type of violence from happening in the first place.

Rus will provide a brief overview of engaging men theory and practice, explore some core standards for engaging men and boys and provide some tools for initiating efforts to engage and mobilize men.