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National Listening Session - Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Survivors Learning Community: Supporting Each Other During COVID-19

Thursday, April 9, 2020
2:00 pm3:00 pm

Limited English Proficient survivors, immigrant and refugee survivors often experience higher rates of victimization. During the COVID-19 crisis we're hearing about new challenges affecting our communities and the victim service providers working with them. We would like to offer an opportunity for service providers to come together to identify those challenges and strategize about creative new ways to approach them, share resources and support each other. Social distancing might increase rates of violence, hate crimes in Asian communities are on the rise and many immigrants won't receive support or healthcare during this crisis. We must ensure that our services remain inclusive and accessible to these survivors.

This listening session is an opportunity to share the needs of advocates, activists and agencies working with immigrants and Limited English Proficient survivors.

Hosted by the National Resource Center for Reaching Victims, Casa de Esperanza - National Latin@ Network and the Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence.