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From ACEs to Assets: A Community Approach to Growing Resilience

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
12:00 pm1:00 pm

From ACEs to Assets: A Community Approach to Growing Resilience

Through the experience of Monroe County, NY, this session explores how community collaborations to better understand ACEs and the power of resilience, lead to meaningful change across child-serving systems. Unique, actionable data and collaborative efforts moved the needle in the ability to respond to trauma and to grow resilience. The data offer three clear areas where positive impact is possible, creating hope in the face of adversity and a replicable roadmap for individual and system change.

Elizabeth Meeker, PsyD | Vice President, Consulting Services
Amy Scheel-Jones, MS Ed | Senior Consultant

Date: April 15, 2020 from 12:00 – 1:00pm