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New Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding Opportunities for Community Behavioral Health Providers

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
12:00 pm1:00 pm

NYAPRS has joined with the National Council to offer a webinar detailing new opportunities within new COVID-19 funds that can provide relief and support for behavioral health providers during this extraordinarily challenging time.

One of them, the Paycheck Protection Program requires a very prompt turnaround to get your share of the $350 billion associated with that program. Come hear about other offerings under the COVID-19 Economic Disaster programs and other opportunities.

This special webinar will be held next Wednesday April 15’s NYAPRS webinar at 12 Noon EST. Join us to hear the following speakers:
• Rebecca Farley David, Senior Advisor, Public Policy & Special Initiatives;
• Jessica Johnson, DALLE Accounting
• Len Statham, NYAPRS