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Invisible Injuries: Traumatic Brain Injury, Strangulation and Domestic Violence

Monday, April 20, 2020
1:00 pm2:30 pm

In observance of last month, Brain Injury Awareness Month, attend this webinar to learn about the complex relationship between domestic violence, traumatic brain injury, and strangulation and how domestic violence organizations and health care providers are beginning to incorporate this awareness into their services. The webinar will frame what we are learning about traumatic brain injury (TBI) and strangulation from Ohio research, discuss signs and symptoms of brain injury, and share the CARE framework developed in Ohio to better accommodate the needs of DV programs. We will hear about how one health care system in Chicago is beginning to map out care pathways and explore models for educating and healing domestic violence and sexual assault survivors who have experienced head injury and strangulation. We will also talk about larger collaboration around the country aimed at future research and practice directions.