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SOLIDARITY CONVOS: Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders for Black Lives

Monday, June 8, 2020
1:00 pm2:00 pm

“Daddy changed the world,” said six-year old Gianna Floyd, as she mourns the death of her father. Her father George’s final words, “I can’t breathe,” echo through the world, and through our hearts today.

What can we do to make sure our Black communities can breathe without fear? How do we ensure other little girls don’t have to go through what Gianna is going through? How can minority communities band together to wipe down white supremacy and systemic racism?

The Asian American and Pacific Islander community owes our freedom in this country to the Civil Rights movement, and the sacrifices of our Black brothers and sisters. Act To Change recognizes the deep need for our communities of color to stand together. Join us in SOLIDARITY CONVOS, where we will discuss what AAPI youth, parents, educators, and community members can do to stand in solidarity with the Black community.

- Maulik Pancholy, actor, author & co-founder of Act To Change
- Bo Thao-Urabe, Co-founder and Executive and Network Director of Coalition of Asian American Leaders (Minnesota)
- Aerica Shimizu Banks, inclusion innovator and advocate for women entrepreneurs
- Kwame Alexander, poet, educator and author