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Consortium TA Team COVID-19 Special Topic Series: Racial Equity in Safe Housing

Thursday, June 18, 2020
1:00 pm2:30 pm

Communities of color and survivors of color are disproportionately impacted by housing insecurity and homelessness in our country – and in our housing systems – due to historic oppression and still-existent structural racism. During COVID-19 addressing racial inequities in health, safety, and housing must be front and center to our homelessness and housing response. Join us for an important 90-minute conversation with providers from Black and Muslim culturally specific organizations who will discuss how these inequities impact their communities and programs, share their wisdom and lessons learned in developing safe housing responses, and describe their pathways to accessing HUD funding and other housing resources. Presenters will also discuss the impact of COVID on their communities, shifts and transformations in how services are delivered during the pandemic, and how they went about building relationships with Continuums of Care to become grantees. Finally, presenters will speak to their experiences with accessing CARES Act funding and other supplemental funding resources tied to COVID-19 response.

• Mona Kafeel, Interim Executive Director, Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation, Inc. (TMWF), Plano, TX.
• Alexandra Appleton, Domestic Violence Program Manager, Self Enhancement, Inc. (SEI), Portland, OR.