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Assisting Survivors With Their Pets During the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond

Tuesday, July 28, 2020
1:00 pm2:30 pm

Victims of domestic abuse are often unwilling to leave their companion animals behind when they seek shelter from their abusers. This becomes more difficult in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. Victims who are quarantined with their abusers are at risk with fewer opportunities and resources to seek help with their pets. This webinar will provide a critical review of the research, including an examination of the human-animal bond, the co-occurrence of domestic violence and pet abuse, and how the severity of pet abuse is linked to the severity of domestic violence. The presenters will discuss existing policies that respond to the special needs arising from this relationship, such as the inclusion of companion animals on protection orders.

The second part of the webinar will examine the role of veterinarians in identifying animal abuse, especially that which may be part of violence in the home, as well as serving as, or connecting with, safe havens to assist victims seeking safe accommodations for their pets. Finally, participants will learn about options that survivors with pets have when leaving their abusers, whether that be through temporary boarding or through shelters.

The discussion will include accommodations Rose Brooks Center has for pets and strategies they are using to help survivors with pets during the COVID-19 crisis. The presenters welcome your questions in advance; please email any questions to

Presenters: Zoë Agnew-Svoboda, PAWS Place Program Manager, Rose Brooks Center; Nancy Blaney, Director of Government Affairs, Animal Welfare Institute; Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D., Senior Advisor, Animal Cruelty Programs and Training, Animal Welfare Institute; Melinda D. Merck, D.V.M., Veterinary Forensics Consulting