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Texas Muslim Women's Foundation: From the Roots of Trauma to the Flowering of Trauma-Informed Care: A Conversation with Texas Muslim Women's Foundation

Thursday, September 3, 2020
4:00 pm5:30 pm

"The lotus roots are based in muddy waters, but its stem grows upward and the flower blossoms above the water, undeterred by the murky water below."

In 2014, the Texas Muslim Women's Foundation (TMWF) embarked on a 4-year project to design and implement culturally-sensitive trauma-informed programming for domestic violence survivors and their children. The process involved collecting data from survivors and staff, evaluating the agency's programs and physical spaces, and training for Board and staff. During this panel, presenters from TMWF will share learnings for organizations intending to undertake similar processes to create internal cultures of trauma-informed care. They will discuss vicarious trauma in board and staff, share evaluation scales and tools, and consider how this trauma-informed lens is woven into survivor services in both short term care and long term well-being.

This session will be a moderated panel discussion. In order to ensure it is most useful to participants, we encourage you to submit questions for the presenters via the registration field, by emailing, or in the chatbox during the session.