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South Carolina Restorative Justice Initiative: Fundamentals of Restorative Justice: Exploring the Concept and its Application – A Virtual Series

Tuesday, November 10, 2020
2:00 pm3:30 pm

SCRJI is offering an 8-week webinar series, occurring every Tuesday beginning September 22 and ending November 17, excluding Election Day, designed to provide a theoretical understanding of restorative and transformative justice as well as practical knowledge about the shape these practices can take and how they can be implemented. Conversation will relate to the practices in the context of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, race, and hate/bias. Participants in this course will be instructed in these practices by leading practitioners and experts from around North America.

Films are incorporated into the curriculum to enhance the learning experience. Visual storytelling offers additional opportunity for participants to develop understanding of other forms of justice, and why people choose them. Films will be made available for a week in advance of the related webinar for participants to view on their own time.