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2020 Tech Summit

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
9:00 am4:00 pm

Virtual Lawyering: A Practical Guide

The virtual future is now. Join nationally recognized experts and New York attorneys including members of the NYSBA Committee on Technology and the Legal Profession, to explore how new technologies are affecting law firms and client information. Get answers to tech questions, learn about new fields and discover new ways you can be more efficient in your practice in today's climate. Gain key practical skills, save time and money.

The full-day event will provide you with the information needed to stay abreast of recent technology innovations, legislation and what tech challenges lie ahead, including:

Tech Skills for Lawyers – 2020 Tips and Tricks for Your Law Practice
Understanding New Laws Relative to Technology and Your Practice: What the NY Shield Act Means for Law Firms and Clients
Cybersecurity and Working from Home: Ethical Considerations for Lawyers
Skills in Remote Lawyering: Working From Home During COVID-19
Pajamas & Professionalism: Standards and Ethics for New Surroundings, New Tech and New Social Media Uses
Conducting Virtual Depositions, Court Conferences and Court Hearings: Key Skills for Lawyers
Mastering Microsoft Teams and Other Office 365 Tools in Your Law Practice

Attendees will receive a complementary copy of the New York State Bar Associations new publication, Virtual Lawyering: A Practical Guide (e-book). Virtual Lawyering contains 26 practical chapters and subchapters authored by former federal judges, former law clerks to judges, and some of the leading New York practitioners in their fields.

Whether you are a litigator, transactional attorney or in-house attorney, this program will provide you with practical, best practices as you seek to navigate through our ever-changing virtual legal world