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NYSCADV: Using an Agile Framework to Write Grants: Including Tactics that will Help NFPs Adapt their Grant Seeking Strategy

Tuesday, December 8, 2020
11:00 am12:00 pm

Join NYSCADV and presenter, Diane Leonard of DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services, LLC for the webinar "Using an Agile Framework to Write Grants: Including Tactics that will Help NFPs Adapt their Grant Seeking Strategy."

Let’s be honest. There are always more grant proposals that you want to write in a year than there are hours in the year to write the proposals. Not necessarily! You can increase the output of your grant writing efforts by utilizing Scrum to manage your grant seeking process and facilitate your grant team.

In this webinar we will teach you how to utilize the Scrum framework in your organization to significantly improve the grant seeking process. Scrum is a wonderful tool for grant writing teams to use to increase the efficiency of application design and to manage the iterations of applications and numerous players that have a stake in successful grant applications.

In addition to learning how to increase the efficiency and speed in completing grant applications, we will also learn how within the Agile framework of Scrum to measure and improve your happiness and that of your colleagues related to the grant-seeking process.

What You Will Learn From This Webinar
• How to increase the output of your grant writing efforts;
• How to increase the happiness of your grant team;
• How to utilize Scrum in creating your grant plan (and calendar) for the year;
• How to manage large grant applications utilizing Scrum; and
• How to facilitate your grant team utilizing Scrum.