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NYSCADV: Promising Practices for Supporting Criminalized Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
2:00 pm3:30 pm

NYSCADV is pleased to present “Promising Practices for Supporting Criminalized Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.” In this webinar, presenter Anne Patterson, Division Director of STEPS to End Violence will discuss the scope and scale of the criminalization of survivors, phases of the criminal legal system and opportunities for advocacy from pre-arrest through reentry.

Who Should Attend:
Domestic violence programs advocates, staff & volunteers; and crime victims advocates.

For over 25 years, Anne Patterson has worked in community with survivors of intimate partner violence to disrupt the continuation of intimate partner and other forms of gender-based violence. Anne is currently the Senior Vice President of STEPS to End Family Violence which offers holistic support to survivors of intimate partner and other forms of gender-based violence. STEPS provides direct healing supports to survivors across the life span while working deliberately to dismantle the systems of dominance and oppression - namely white supremacy and cisheteropatrichy - that sustain gender-based violence. Anne is also the Co-Chair of the Downstate Coalition for Crime Victims, sits on the New York State Office of Victim Services Advisory Council and is a part of the New York City Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Advisory Council. Anne has been a licensed social worker for twenty years and in 2017, the office of the First Lady of the City of New York named Anne as one of the City’s most inspiring activists working to end gender-based violence.