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NYSCADV: Facilitative Leadership in Virtual Environments

Thursday, December 17, 2020
2:00 pm3:30 pm

By Popular Demand!

NYSCADV is pleased to be able to offer this informative and interactive session on Facilitative Leadership in Virtual Environments at the request of programs who are interested in engaging staff and community partners in productive virtual meetings.

In this webinar, we will discuss tips and techniques for:
• Identifying and implementing processes that increase participant engagement
• Ensuring meetings are productive
• Do’s and Don’ts of virtual facilitation for internal meetings
• Facilitation techniques to maintain community engagement during virtual meetings

In preparation for this webinar, we ask all attendees to take a few moment to consider the following questions:
1. What would be useful to know about facilitating internal and external meetings as you continue to meet virtually both internally (staff,) and externally (organizing in your communities?)
2. Reflect on a meeting you’ve attended that you feel was productive and well facilitated. What did the facilitator do that made it productive?
3. Reflect on a meeting you’re attended that didn’t go well. What did the facilitator do/not do? Can you identify any steps or techniques they could’ve used to turn the meeting around?
4. What can we do to help make meetings more productive when we are the ones responsible for facilitation?