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National Human Services Data Consortium Spring 2021 Virtual Conference

Monday, April 12, 2021Thursday, April 29, 2021

The 2021 virtual National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence schedule is now live! The theme of this Spring's Conference is "A Year of Crisis – Humans Services Data’s Role in Recovery from the Pandemic." NCHDV will take place across four days, Tuesday, April 27th-Friday, April 30th, and features:

Opening Keynote: Dr. Beth Richie and Janae Bonsu, featuring a performance from A Long Walk Home.
Healing Histories/Healing Justice Plenary with Cara Page, Susan Raffo and Anjali Taneja
Naming and framing the intersections of racism, IPV, and maternal health outcomes for Black birthing people Plenary with Dr. Joia Crear-Perry, Vanessa Timmons, and Farah Tanis
Healing Childhood Sexual Violence: Mind, Body and Soul Plenary with Amita Swadhin, Keith Mascoll, and Dr. Angela Diaz.
Closing Keynote: Tarana Burke
20+ Rapid Report sessions featuring the latest research and programmatic innovations
35+ Workshop and Symposia sessions that take a deeper dive on crucial topics in the anti-violence and health fields
100+ E-Poster presentations with asynchronous Q+A
On-demand mindfulness practices
Surprise guest appearances
and much more!