Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Forensic Evaluators Seeking Public Input
Two public listening sessions have been scheduled for the public to provide information to the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Forensic Evaluations regarding forensic custody evaluations in New York State:
• Thursday, September 9th, 2021 | 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
• Thursday, September 23rd, 2021 | 10 AM-12 PM
Testimony can be provided orally or in writing. Oral statements will be limited based on the number of interested speakers. All speakers are asked to provide their oral statements in writing, and individuals who are not providing oral testimony may also submit standalone written statements. Written submissions are being accepted by September 23, 2021.
The Commission is seeking input on the following questions related to the use of forensic custody evaluations in New York State, and encourages those offering a statement to attempt to answer at least one of them:
• For professionals, what has been your experience with the evaluation process? What worked, what did not work, and why?
• What are the primary benefits and challenges of the current forensic custody evaluation process?
• What are possible solutions to improve the forensic custody evaluation process?
• Have you experienced systemic biases exist under the current system and how can we address them?
• What should accountability look like for our forensic custody evaluation process?
The listening sessions will be open to the public and participants’ names and images may be visible to the public. Individuals with cases currently in court should consult with their attorneys before speaking or sending a written statement to determine if it will affect their case or could have an impact on future litigation. If individuals are not represented by an attorney, they are encouraged to consult with a legal assistance organization that provides free consultations.