NNEDV, NCVC: The True Costs of Domestic Violence: Financial Fraud and Financial Abuse

Wednesday, October 27, 2021
12:00 pm1:00 pm

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and for many service providers and professionals, the connections that intimate partner violence and financial fraud and abuse have may not be apparent at first glance. However, according to the Center for Financial Security, financial abuse occurs in 99% of domestic violence cases. Financial fraud and financial abuse can both be tactics used in situations of domestic violence and service providers and professionals can help survivors and victims identify these tactics and provide actionable steps to begin safety planning.

Experts from the National Network to End Domestic Violence, The National Center for Victims of Crime, and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation will discuss how to identify what domestic violence is, highlight the intersections of financial fraud, financial abuse, and intimate partner violence, and provide attendees with tools to leverage in their community.