New York State Trauma-Informed Network Annual Meeting

Thursday, November 18, 2021
10:30 am2:30 pm

Presented by the New York State Trauma-Informed Network / Kathy King – / Amy Scheel-Jones –

2021 has been a Master Class in coping and connection as NYS continues to Realize, Recognize, and Respond to the stress and trauma in daily work within the context of the enduring pandemics of COVID-19 and racial injustice. Healing, recovery, and well-being are tied to our ability to extend trauma-responsive awareness and practice change. We’ve made key gains this year, but important work remains to help move us from surviving to thriving. Through our commitment to support TI Champions across the state, the NYS Trauma-Informed Network recognizes that we are better positioned to act when meaningfully connected to one another.

You are invited to join us for our Annual Network Meeting to:

Learn more about the NYS Trauma-Informed Network
Hear highlights of New York State’s focus on TIC
Celebrate important work that has occurred throughout NYS
Connect with Champions from across New York
Inform the NYS TI Network’s 2022 actions and agenda
Together in 2022, we’ll grow the Network to accelerate the implementation of trauma-responsive, equity-focused practices across sectors, and regions in New York State; setting the stage for recovery and healing.