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Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience: Workshop Series

Friday, March 4, 2022
1:00 pm2:00 pm

The Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience: Workshop Series will bring experts from sectors across the country to accelerate the movement by providing stakeholders, advocates and practitioners with the tools necessary to encourage and assist systems in every community in integrating trauma-informed, resilience-focused, and healing-centered approaches and principles into their daily operations, thereby making America trauma-informed.

Workshop Schedule:
• January 7 — State of the Movement and Future of the Movement/Building the Movement with Community Coalitions — Click here to register.
• January 21 — Building the Movement in Education and Healthcare (registration link to come)
• February 4 — Building the Movement with Child Welfare and Justice Systems (registration link to come)
• February 18 — Building the Movement through Transformative Justice and Faith-Based Communities (registration link to come)
• March 4 — Building the Movement with Populations with High Prevalence of Trauma (registration link to come)
• March 18 — Building the Movement with Foundations and the Private Sector (registration link to come)
• April 1 — Building the Movement to Address Global Crises (registration link to come)
• April 15 — Building the Movement through Policy and Advocacy (registration link to come)

The series is presented by the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice, the National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives, and PACEs Connection. It is co-sponsored by the National Youth Employment Coalition, the Center for Trauma Resilient Communities, the University of North Carolina Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, the Kellin Foundation, Penn State College of Health and Human Development, and the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center.