Allstate Moving Ahead Curriculum TOT Sessions 2023

Thursday, March 16, 2023
10:00 am12:00 pm

NYSCADV presents a series of four webinars based on the “The Allstate Moving Ahead Curriculum” for financial empowerment, created by the Allstate Foundation and NNEDV.

Economic abuse is a prevalent form of domestic violence. Even before the current public health crisis, lack of financial independence prevented 94-99% of survivors from being able to leave their abuser (NRCDV). In the short-term, economic abuse can hinder a survivors’ ability to plan for and achieve safety away from the abuser. In the long-term, economic abuse can carry devastating consequences, including ruined credit, employment issues, homelessness, and legal issues, which can adversely affect a survivors’ ability to achieve financial stability and independence.

Attendees participating in this webinar series will:

Have an increased ability to apply trauma-informed, survivor-centered services to survivors of economic abuse;
Gain valuable tools necessary to assist survivors in financial safety planning and economic empowerment practices; and
Be introduced to the Moving Ahead curriculum and its modules.

Who Should Register:

Registration is open to domestic violence advocates of private, nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations and programs that have a primary purpose of providing shelter and supportive services to adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents. This includes programs that are licensed by the NYS Office for Children and Family Services or have local NY Department of Social Services contracts to provide domestic violence services, either residential or nonresidential.


Below is the schedule and topics to be covered in each session. All sessions will meet on Thursdays from 10AM-12PM EST:

2/23: Module 1: Understanding economic abuse, safety planning, mental health, divorce, and child support
3/2: Module 2: Fundamentals of financial empowerment, budgeting and saving, banking options, assets, and liabilities
3/9 Module 3: Credit report, understanding credit score, how to improve credit, and bankruptcy
3/16 Modules 4 & 5: Financial paperwork, home mortgages, auto loans, long-term financial planning, financing options to continue education, investments, retirement, and medical, and life insurance