Need to Know: NYSCADV's 2023 Day of Action Teach-In Series

Tuesday, April 18, 2023
2:30 pm3:00 pm

With less than a month until NYSCADV’s 2023 Day of Action, it’s time to organize, mobilize, and prep for the big day.

We are back in person at the NYS Capitol this year for an all-day event, elevating the needs of DV survivors across the state. But this year, Day of Action looks and feels different. DV services across the state are at a tipping point. Funding cuts, a complex funding system, hundreds of agency vacancies, and static wages are significantly impacting the state’s domestic violence service providers safety net, directly impacting survivors’ ability to access services. Domestic violence services across the state are in crisis. New York’s survivors deserve more.

Now is the time to sound the alarm. This year’s event will feature a purple-themed rally, a march through the Capitol, and a press conference on the Million Dollar Staircase.

To help prepare for our re-imagined event, we are preparing a three-part teach-in series covering everything you need to know. Sign up for one, two, or all three sessions. Although we highly encourage attending live sessions, the series will be recorded and shared.

4/18/23 2:30-3:00pm Need to Know
Starting with the basics. This session will cover event logistics (meeting space, event plans, getting around the Capitol, meeting with legislators) and general messaging including social media plans.

4/20/23 2:30-3:00pm Legislation 101
Learn about the priority legislation and critical asks NYSCADV has identified for our legislators.

4/24/23 2:30-3:00pm Rally Like You Mean It
Sometimes the best way to raise awareness and bring attention to an issue you care about is to rally in community. The most critical piece of a rally is shaping the narrative. This session will cover best practices for rallying and harnessing the power of a narrative. After all, you’re the expert.