NYSCADV's 2023 End of Legislative Session Webinar
Join NYSCADV on Tuesday, August 8, from 10:30 am to noon for the 2023 Legislative Session Review webinar.
The Legislature approved several important pieces of legislation this year that have been signed into law or are now being considered for action by the Governor. These include bills to increase accessibility to victim compensation for survivors (Fair Access to Victim Compensation), post human trafficking informational materials in public lactation rooms, establish NYS as a safe haven for trans youth and their families and creation of a “Hope Card” program providing DV survivors with cards that have the same effect and validity as a paper order of protection. These bills have been summarized here.
This webinar will review many of these new laws, focusing on what DV advocates need to know when working with DV clients. Should time allow, there will also be a high-level discussion of 2024 legislative priorities.
Time has been allocated for questions. If you have a question you would like to submit for discussion prior to the webinar, please email policy@nyscadv.org.
Who should attend:
All are welcome to attend. We highly encourage domestic violence survivors and program staff, sexual assault survivors and program staff, crime victim program staff, legal services staff, coalition and community partners to attend.