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NYSCADV Budget Advocacy Day

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
9:00 am5:00 pm
Legislative Office Building
Room 711A
Albany, NY 12210

NYSCADV would like to invite you to join us in Albany for NYSCADV’s 2024 Budget Advocacy Day on Wednesday, February 28. During the event, we will be advocating for budget initiatives that ensure the continuity and sustainability of New York’s domestic violence services. As the state faces a budget deficit, it’s more important than ever that the voices of domestic violence advocates are represented and heard.

If you can only travel to Albany once this year, we ask that you join us for 2024 Budget Advocacy Day. Your support and advocacy are needed as New York’s domestic violence service providers are facing additional cuts to VOCA grants and stagnant funding across other critical funding streams.

NYSCADV will be scheduling meetings for DV advocates and allies with key legislative leaders during the event. Event registrants will be provided with a personalized schedule of meetings on the morning of the event. A prep webinar will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 7, to review key messaging and event logistics. See link below to register.