Call Script

It only takes a couple of minutes to call your legislator and tell them to support the thousands of New Yorkers experiencing domestic violence every day. DV survivors require access to resources and services that can enhance their own safety, and the safety of their families, and rebuild their lives.
To simplify the process for you, we have developed this template script for use when calling legislative offices. We encourage you to tailor the script to highlight information you feel your legislators should be aware of (e.g., impacts to your program, what you are seeing in the field, nuances specific to DV programs and the victim/survivors you work with, etc.).
Call script:
Hello, my name is [name] and I am a/an [advocate, program director, director, executive director, etc.] at [name of your organization].
I am calling to urge [Senator/Assembly Member (name of legislator)] to support legislation that will enhance the safety of domestic violence survivors, increase access to services, and support domestic violence advocates.
We are asking the [Senator/Assembly Member (name of legislator)] to support bills that will ensure DV advocates receive future COLAs on state contracts, enhance the safety of children during child custody proceedings and permit DV survivors to dispute coerced debt.
Can I email [Senator/Assembly Member (name of legislator)] information about these bills? [Ask for appropriate email.] Thank you!
Follow-Up Materials to Send:
- Legislator Letter
- Legislative Day of Action Priorities
- 5 Memos of Support
- DV Counts and DV Census Summary